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Canadian Museum of Nature

Jean-Marc Gagnon
Curator, Chief Scientist
P.O. Box 3443, Station D
Ottawa, Ontario  K1P 6P4
Web Site: nature.ca
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The Canadian Museum of Nature is Canada’s national museum of natural history and natural sciences. It provides evidence-based insights, inspiring experiences and meaningful engagement with nature’s past, present and future through collections-based research, curation of the national, natural-history collection of more than 15 million specimens and artifacts, interactive educational programs, signature exhibitions, and a dynamic web site, nature.ca. The museum’s core activities are delivered through its public building in downtown Ottawa, and its Natural Heritage Campus in Gatineau, Quebec.


Montréal Space for Life

Julie Jodoin, Director, Space for Life
Botanical Gardens of Montreal, Espace pour la Vie
4101, rue Sherbrooke est
Montréal, Québec  H1X 2B2
Web site: http://espacepourlavie.ca/en
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Montréal Space for Life offers an exceptional opportunity to explore the countless facets of life and nature in an original way. It comprises 5 unique attractions: Biodôme, Biosphère, Jardin botanique, Insectarium and the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan. Forming Canada’s largest natural science museum complex they welcome more than two million visitors each year. It’s a living laboratory, where the infinitely small takes on enormous proportions and the infinitely large is presented on a human scale.


New Brunswick Museum

Dr. Don McAlpine
Head and Research Curator of Zoology
277 Douglas Avenue
Saint John, New Brunswick E2K 1E5
Web site:   www.nbm-mnb.ca


The New Brunswick Museum is the oldest continuing museum in Canada, dedicated to preserving and showcasing the rich natural and cultural heritage of New Brunswick. The Museum is temporarily closed as part of the Revitalize NBM project, which will create a new 134,000-square-foot facility to house research, exhibition, and community spaces under one sustainable, decarbonized roof. The design, created by award-winning architectural firm Diamond Schmitt, captures the essence of New Brunswick's rich heritage and natural landscape, featuring expansive views of the Saint John Harbour and surrounding natural beauty.


Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History

Sean Weseloh McKeane
Manager of Collections
1747 Summer Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia  B3H 3A6
Web site: https://naturalhistory.novascotia.ca/


What does a great horned owl sound like? How many species of whale live in the Gully? How old is Gus the gopher tortoise? Discover the answers to these questions and beyond as you explore Nova Scotia’s Forest, ocean and more at the Museum of Natural History. Observe live reptiles and amphibians, learn about Earth and space with Science on a Sphere, and discover thousands of years of history with Mi’kmaq artifacts. From the sands of Sable Island to the wings of a honeybee, there’s something for everyone.


Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre

Julie M. Ross
Curator, Museum Collection Engagement
Culture and Heritage Division
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Government of the Northwest Territories
P.O. Box 1320
4750 48th Street
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories  X1A 2L9
Web site: www.pwnhc.ca


The Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre is the central museum for the Northwest Territories.  Its museum collections and exhibits focus on the human and natural history of the Northwest Territories. The PWNHC also houses the Northwest Territories Archives, and administers a variety of funding and outreach programs that support community museums, culture, heritage and the arts throughout the Northwest Territories.


Royal Alberta Museum

Dr. Alwynne Beaudoin
Director, Natural History
103a Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 0G2
Web site: www.royalalbertamuseum.ca
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In the galleries and exhibitions of the Royal Alberta Museum, visitors can explore the natural and human history of Alberta. Through 40,000 square feet of exhibits they can visit the mountains, prairies, forests and parklands of the province. Discover plants and animals from the past and present or examine gems, minerals, and precious metals.


Royal BC Museum

Dr. Joel Gibson
Curator of Entomology
675 Belleville Street
Victoria, British Columbia  V8W 9W2
Web site: www.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca
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The Royal British Columbia Museum is the only organization in the world dedicated specifically to the preservation of the human and natural history of British Columbia.  It is a place of discovery; through three unique galleries and the Archives, the Museum showcases its collections. Highly realistic and inviting dioramas provide visitors with a sense of walking back through time and of having xperienced authentic settings, including those of the Ice Age, coastal and forest regions, Old Town and First Nations cultures. The Royal BC Museum also features temporary exhibitions of international renown with added programming to enhance the visitor experience.


Royal Ontario Museum

Dr. Kim Tait
Curator of Natural History
100 Queen's Park
Toronto, ON   M5S 2C6
Web site:  www.rom.on.ca
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The Royal Ontario Museum is an internationally renowned museum and a popular attraction in downtown Toronto.  Opened to the public in 1914, the ROM has grown to become Canada’s largest museum of world cultures and natural history, with some six million objects in its collections. The ROM offers engaging galleries of art, archaeology, and natural science from around the world, with a spotlight on Canada’s culture and natural history.  The Museum also conducts important scientific and academic research around the world in partnership with prominent institutions and governments.


Royal Saskatchewan Museum

Dr. Ray Poulin
Manager, Research and Collections
2445 Albert Street, Wascana Park
Regina, Saskatchewan  S4P 3V7
Web site: www.royalsaskmuseum.ca
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Explore Saskatchewan's past and present at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. Visit the world’s largest T. rex, Scotty, travel through Saskatchewan’s ecozones, explore our planet in Home: Life in the Anthropocene, and learn about the rich history and traditions of Indigenous societies that live in Saskatchewan. Take in the curriculum-based school programs and events such as storytelling, shows, and lectures. The Royal Saskatchewan Museum houses collections representing Saskatchewan's natural history and Indigenous cultural heritage and serves researchers from all over the globe in making new discoveries.


The Manitoba Museum

Seema Hollenberg
Director, Research, Collections and Exhibitions
190 Rupert Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 0N2
Web site: www.manitobamuseum.ca
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The Manitoba Museum is the province’s largest heritage centre renowned for its combined human and natural heritage themes. The institution shares knowledge about Manitoba, the world and the universe through its collections, exhibitions, publications, on-site and outreach programs, Planetarium shows and Science Gallery exhibits. Eight interpretive galleries explore the history and environment of the province from its northern Arctic coast to its southern prairie grasslands.


Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre

Susan Moorehead Mooney
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Web Site: www.beringia.com


The Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre is designed to tell the story of Beringia.  Featuring dynamic new exhibits, the Centre seeks to introduce a world of woolly mammoths, Jefferson's ground sloths, scimitar cats, giant beavers, the environment of the steppe tundra and North America's first people. It explores the discovery of fossils, frozen mummified remains and other paleontological and archaeological finds throughout the area.  The Centre incorporates lectures, camps and recreations of early archaeological and paleontological sites.


Associate Members

Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Catherine Ouellet-Martin
Administrative Manager

6270 University Blvd.

University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4

Web Site: http://beatymuseum.ubc.ca


Located at the University of British Columbia, the Museum contains over 20 000 square feet of collections and exhibits. Patrons can participate in a variety of educational programmes celebrating biodiversity while visiting the largest blue whale skeleton on display in Canada. The Museum also offerson site teaching labs allowing visitors to interact with a variety of specimens while learning how researchers use the collection.


Redpath Museum

Catherine Turgeon

859 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6

Web Site: www.mcgill.ca/redpath/
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The Redpath Museum functions as an independant academic department unit within the Faculty of Science at McGill University. Its mandate is to foster understanding and appreciation of the diversity of our biological, geological, and cultural heritage through scientific research, collections-based study, and education. Built in 1882 by Canada's greatest Victorian naturalist, Sir William Dawson, it has its own tenure-track academic staff, a modest list of graduate and undergraduate courses and its own program, a minor in Natural History. In addition, over 60,000 school children and students annually interact with the Museum's hands-on science educators and close to 100,000 visitors a year come to view the exhibits. With its current population of about 100 people, the Redpath Museum is more active and productive today than it has ever been. Research at the museum is focused on evolution, from working out the details of the 3,5 billion year history of life on the planet to examining how creatures and systems are changing today. Backstopping the scientific research are the Museum's collections of over three million fossil, animal and mineral specimens and cultural artefacts, valued at over $27 million. This material is used daily for a multitude of academic courses and research projects as well as academic research loans of specimens to other institutions far beyond the university.


The Rooms

Greg Walsh
Archivist/Director of the Archives and Collections Department of The Rooms

9 Bonaventure Avenue
P.O. Box 1800, Station C
St. John’s, Newfoundland A1C 5P9

Web Site: www.therooms.ca
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The Rooms, Provincial Museum Division has significant collections maintained in three curatorial subject areas: Archaeology and Ethnology, History, and Natural History. Most of the collections have a direct relevance to the Newfoundland and Labrador region. At last count, the collections contained more than a million artifacts. A wide range of public programs and services are offered at all three branches, in St. John's, Grand Falls-Windsor, and Grand Bank.